The Government & Small Businesses


How does the government assist business owners?

It' so valuable to have people who have owned a business like John, working inside the capital because he knows how to create jobs, pay taxes, and how to understand the perspective of what a business owners rules and regulations are. 

Thank you John Macco for the incredible insight on the role the government plays in a successful business. 

We look forward to releasing more episodes with Mr. Macco soon.

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5 Pillars of Success: The Growth Mindset


Understanding whether you have a fixed vs. growth mindset is one of the first steps in becoming a successful entrepreneur. Achieving your business goals should start with these 5 pillars of a growth mindset. After listening, we encourage you to try these pillars in your everyday life!

If you don’t have the proper mindset, there’s no way you are going to achieve what you want. 

The first step in helping that, is realizing if you have a fixed or growth mindset and then following these steps. 


Continually Learn - You can learn something from everyone you meet whether it's what you should do, or what you shouldn't do. 

Be Intentional
- Do things with purpose. Be focused on what you are doing and the people that are involved in that process. 

Review Your Actions - How do you engage others. How do they react? Check your ego. If someone is doing something that bothers you. Ask yourself why it bothers you. Write it down!

Seek Mentorship - Not all...

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Why you need Artificial Intelligence in your business


Sell For Millions Show - AI Marketing with Matt Vasquez

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Help Your Business Succeed: The Keys to Internet Marketing

Uncategorized May 21, 2019

Done For You Internet Marketing with Jason Drohn takes you on a journey of the internet marketing space. Listen to his start as a Pepsi driver and his inspiration behind starting Done For You. 

Technology is constantly changing and it's important to keep up with it! Your company will only succeed if you have the right marketing and updated technology to do it. Listen to the video above to learn the top things you can do to help your clients through internet marketing. 

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Building a Seven Figure Company: 5 TIPS


Building a Seven Figure Marketing Company: 5 TIPS

It's not easy to build a seven figure company so don't think you can move through these five steps in a week. Building a strong, successful business takes a lot of hard work and determination. Don't give up, you got this. Here are the top secrets to building a seven figure agency.

  1.  Develop A Core Offering
  2. Sales
  3.  Having a Solid Product
  4. Move Fast & Make Decisions

Other topics of importance, keep watching to find out more:





Comment below your favorite takeaway from this video! We would love to hear from you. 

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From The Dorm Room To The Inc 5000 - Sell For Millions Show

Uncategorized May 21, 2019

From The Dorm Room To The Inc 5000


Brian: Welcome to the Sell For Millions Show. I'm here in downtown Chattanooga, Tennessee with Mr. Macco here, Nick Macco. And it's kind of a long story, but I've known nick for several years, the family since she was a little guy. And nick is co-founder of a company called Southtree. And why don't you just tell us about Southtree, what you do, how it got started?

Nick: Great. Yeah, thanks. I'm excited to be here. Southtree takes all these old home movies, pictures, film, everything that's analog and aging in your shoe box and we digitize them. So we provide them back on a DVD, some people still want that, thumb drive and the cloud for digital download. And so we just started this company in college together with my roommate, Adam. Did you know Adam too when we were younger?

Brian:                       No.


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How to Manage Through 1000 Percent Growth

Uncategorized May 21, 2019

How to Manage Through 1000 Percent Growth


Brian:                       Welcome to this episode of the Sell For Millions show. We're back with Mr. Nick Macco in beautiful downtown Chattanooga.

Nick:                         Yeah, that's right.

Brian:                       We're going to have Nick talk about leadership. What he's had to do over the last 10 years. The different stages of your company. How many employees do you have now?

Nick:                         150.


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