Understanding whether you have a fixed vs. growth mindset is one of the first steps in becoming a successful entrepreneur. Achieving your business goals should start with these 5 pillars of a growth mindset. After listening, we encourage you to try these pillars in your everyday life!
If you don’t have the proper mindset, there’s no way you are going to achieve what you want.
The first step in helping that, is realizing if you have a fixed or growth mindset and then following these steps.
Continually Learn - You can learn something from everyone you meet whether it's what you should do, or what you shouldn't do.
Be Intentional - Do things with purpose. Be focused on what you are doing and the people that are involved in that process.
Review Your Actions - How do you engage others. How do they react? Check your ego. If someone is doing something that bothers you. Ask yourself why it bothers you. Write it down!
Seek Mentorship - Not all...
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